Hotel reservations




All the hotels and apartment buildings are located in the most attractive and natural of settings in Asturias.

As well as the rustic architectural features of the properties, they are both up to date and comfortable.
Many of its hotels are also certified with the "Q" of Quality Tourism, which reflects the standards of excellence in all the company's services.

Arcea Hoteles es una de las cadenas hoteleras principales de Asturias y cuenta con 13 establecimientos con encanto en el norte de España.

Todos los hoteles y apartamentos se encuentran en los enclaves naturales, tanto en el entorno rural como en la costa, siempre rodeados de un ambiente agradable, familiar y tranquilo.

  2011, ARCEA HOTELES, La Arquera s/n 33500 Llanes Principado de Asturias
Tel: 985 40 17 27 (Oficinas Centrales), Fax: 985 40 13 82
















 Barcelo Hotels and Resorts own, manage or franchise more than 185 properties and over 45,000 beds in 16 countries. Barcelo hotels are found in key destinations and cities throughout Europe, North America, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

The company offers a large variety of hotels and resorts to accommodate all travellers, from budget-minded to upscale guests.

Barceló Hotels & Resorts cuenta actualmente con 185 hoteles y más de 45.000 habitaciones distribuidos en 16 países. Barceló ofrece alojamiento en los principales destinos y ciudades de Europa, EEUU, África, Latino América y el Caribe.





 Bahia Principe is a hotel with 4 and 5 star establishments and 20 properties in total. All of them are located in destinations in the Caribbean (Dominican Republic, Mexico and Jamaica) and Spain (Tenerife and Majorca). Characteristics: exclusive beachfront location, situated within spectacular natural environments, largest range of facilities, All Inclusive service, etc.

Domicilio social: 

Plaza Mediterraneo, 5 Palma de Mallorca - 07014 - España

















Derby Hotels is a hotel chain with 14 establishments located in mayor European cities, such as Barcelona, Madrid, London and Paris.

Derby has created a new concept of hotels with their own personality, combining luxury, courteous service and art. Designed for cosmopolitan guests able to appreciate a new kind of comfort and class and who seek something more than just somewhere to sleep.






 Established in 1993 as the first of its kind, Design Hotels AG now represents and markets a hand-selected collection of more than 176 hotels in over 43 countries and 114 destinations around the globe.
Design Hotel is an international lifestyle brand synonymous with distinctive architecture and interior design, balanced with functionality and exceptional service. A consortium that offers an array of high-end hospitality services as well as a cohesive image.
Based in Berlin, the company also maintains offices in London, Barcelona, New York, Singapore, Bali, Tokyo and Perth



With over 40 years of experience in the development and management of different styles of hotels, Dom Pedro Hotels are now a well respected hotel chain in Portugal.

This hotel chain has 7 properties in their portfolio and more than 3,000 beds just in Portugal.
Dom Pedro has 4* and 5* hotels located in main cities and vacation destinations: Lisbon, Madeira, the Algarve and Brazil.



Vinoselección Club de Vinos

En Vinoselección le esperan los mejores vinos. Desde las regiones más conocidas hasta los últimos descubrimientos, vinos para todos los gustos y todos los bolsillos, las marcas consagradas y las novedades más interesantes, el vino más adecuado para cada momento.
Blanco, rosado, tinto, cava...jóvenes con crianza o vinos de guarda.


Vinoselección Club de Vinos
C/ Guzmán El Bueno, 133 - 7 ª Planta - Edificio Britannia -
28003 Madrid
Telf: 902 25 35 25- Fax. 91 453 93 03
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